1st December Closing Day, Xmas Team of 4

Can't believe how fast our last game has come around, this is our Xmas Team of 4, best 2 scores to count.

Dress up for Christmas, 7am for 7.30m start.   Afterwards in our room we have our Christmas Draw for various Christmas goodies. 

Every full Golf Member is able to be part of the Christmas Draw wether you play on the day or not.

Members who do play on the day,  but are unable to stay for the draw may give their ticket to a friend to look after for them

Please make sure you have purchased your tickets for our Presentation/Xmas Lunch on the 8th as we need to give final numbers to the Club for catering by this Thursday.  $20.00 for full playing members and $24.50 for Social Members, due to the wet Thursdays a lot of people have not paid for their tickets so please see Susan Muna after Golf on 1st Dec.

The Pro Shop will be running a 9 hole comp from the 15th December, 2011 until 22nd December, there will be no Comp on the 29th December then from the 5th January a 9 hole and 18hole comp will be running through the Pro Shop.   The games from the 5th January will be on the Computer and handicapping will apply to the 18hole comp.   Please remember that if you choose to play in the 9 hole comp you cannot change your mind and go in the 18 hole after finishing the 1st 9.   The decision as to which comp you wish to take part in each week must be made when you are paying.

Have a great game on Thursday and good luck to all our Ladies for the upcoming Presentation.

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