Thursday 22nd March Par Game

Unfortunately the weather and greens added to an average scoring game for all

1st Div  Winner  Aiki Harrigan -4 c/b  R/U Dianne  Connolly  -4
2nd Div  Winner  Cheryl Ledger -3  R/U  Dee Barham -4 c/b
3rd Div  Winner  Janice Hoban  -5 c/b  R/U Linda Hough

Well done ladies in very trying conditions.

Rule Clarification.   Hole 6/15th  the only area deemed a path is to the side of the actual tee area.  The dirt leading away from the Tee is not a path as it is not bordered. 

Local Rule on the back of the card is that paths must be bordered to be classified as paths, the other Local Rule is paths defined by blue metal as on the path from 8th to 9th hole and 7th to 8th ladies tee.  Always read the local rules board at the Pro Shop and always read the local rules on the back of score cards at our Club and when you play away.

Rule Clarification.  Hole 4  If when teeing off and your ball enters the creek and flies up the creek and stays in the creek then the place to re hit is where it first entered the hazard (red pegs) and this is quite often either back at the Tee or just by the can use the arc rule and drop on the other side of the creek no nearer the hole.  It is not where it came to land, it is always where it last crossed the hazard and if it follows the creek up then the last place it crossed was down near the tee area.   Sorry  but that is the rule.

Good luck to all for the Foursomes Championships on 29th March.....

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