Results stroke medal of medals 30/10/14

Last Thursday was a magnificent day for golf - for a lot of us not such a magnificent day for scoring. However there were some brilliant scores particularly by our hard working Captain, Jenny and Jeanice Gibson. Once again our course was a picture despite those tricky greens!

Division 1:   Winner J. Chapman with 62 nett. Runner up was D. Ind with 65 nett. Gross winner was S. Hopkins with 78 strokes.

Division 2:   Winner N. Carey-Berryman with 65 nett. 1st Runner up was M. Corner with 67 nett on a count back from N. Spargo also with 67 nett. Gross winner was N. Spargo with 94 strokes.

Division 3:    Winner J. Gibson with 60 nett!  1st runner up was E. Clarke with 64 nett. 2nd runner up was M. Molyneaux with 68 nett. Gross winner was E. Clarke with 98 strokes.

9-Hole Competition:     Winner. Was D. Jackson.

Captain vs President team day this Thursday 6 November.  Remember if you are in the Captain's team you should wear GREEN.  Those on the President's team should wear WHITE.

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