Results Stroke/Monthly Medal + 1st Golf NSW Medal 19 Feb 2015

Today was the first round of the official 2015 Competition year. We had 59 starters for the first stroke round of the year. The winners were as follows:

Division 1.   Winner.    Nareda Leary (22) with a nett score of 69 points on a count back
                     2nd.          Gay Catanzariti (17) with a nett score of 69 points
                     3rd.          Janice Adlard (15) with a nett score of 69 points also, and
                     4th.          Kerrie McInerney (22) with a nett score of 70.

Division 2.   Winner.    Michelle Lee (30) with a nett score of 66
                     2nd.         Jan Gee (30)  with a nett score of 72 on a count back from
                     3rd.          Kath Porter (32) with a nett score of 72

Division 3.   Winner.    Jan Portelli (37) with a nett score of 68
                     2nd.         Di Jackson (45) with a nett score of 72 on a count back from
                     3rd.          Margaret Molyneaux (36) also with a nett score of 72

Gross Winner over the Field was Janice Adlard (15) with a gross score of 84

Our Putting Champs were Division 1 Molly Russell- Smith with 26 putts; Division 2 Min Corner with 29 putts; Division 3 Carol Stratford with 31 putts.

Congratulations to all the prize winners.

A few notes from the meeting :

* Extra ordinary meeting to take a vote on the proposal to change our name to Breakers Golf Club, Wamberal will be held on 16 April. Please note that there will be a shotgun start on this day so we all finish together.
* The Easter Novelty Day on 2 April is a team event so start organising your team now
* It is vital that we all arrive half an hour prior to our hit off time. When you are late it affects the whole competition.

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