Results Foursomes Championships 26 March 2015

There were 56 starters for today's event.  A great day weather wise for this 'once a year' event.

18 Hole Daily event

Winners.     Jenny Chapman and Lynne Cattaway off 26.5 with a nett score of 70.5
2nd.            Marilyn Armstrong and Gay Catanzariti off 14 with a nett score of 73 on a c/back
3rd.             Anne Glance and Deanne Curby off 29 also with a nett score of 73

9 Hole Event

Winner.      Cheryl Baker and Diane Ind off 10.5 with a nett score of 34.5
2nd.            Pam Crowe and Sandra Kunze off 14 with a nett score of 35

27 Hole Championships

Gross Winners.   Marilyn Armstrong and Gay Catanzariti with a gross score of 131
2nd Gross.          Cheryl Baker And Diane Ind with a gross score of 142

Nett Winners.     Jenny Chapman (21) and Lynne Cattaway (32) with a nett score of 107.25
2nd Nett.            Anne Glance (23) and Deanne Curby (35) with a nett score of 112.5

Thank you to Joan O'Connell, Mollie Chapman and Margaret Day for checking our result cards and writing up the board. Special thanks to Yvonne Brooker for acting as Runner.

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