Results Par Vets Ball 19 March 2015

54 starters took to the course for this Par event. The course was great with the putting greens back to normal after their seasonal coring.

Division 1.    Winner.  Kerry McInerney (21) with a score of plus 1 (1)
                      2nd.        Cheryl Baker (20) with a score of minus 1 (-1)

Division 2.    Winner.  Michelle Lee (29) with a score of plus 2 (2)
                      2nd.        Carole Mallyon (32) with a score of minus 2 (-2)

Division 3.    Winner.  Aileen Davis (39) with a score of minus 2 (-2)
                      2nd.       Mary Moore (38) with a score of minus 4 (-4)

Congratulations to you all!  Welcome back Carole Mallyon! Great game after a 3 month absence. How good is Aileen Davis!  A double knee replacement in early November and now playing like a young woman.  Perhaps we all need knee replacements!!!

Division 3 Pennants Team: congratulations to the following ladies who have been selected to contest the Division 3 District Pennant competition.  Michelle Lee, Susan Muna, Veneice Higgin, Judi Eaton, Cheryl Ledger, Peggy Searle, Viv Ball, Colleen Henry and Nell Spargo.

Good luck to both our Division 2 and Division 3 teams who will compete in their first game on 13 April and each Monday thereafter thru April and May into early June.

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