Results Team of 4 Ambrose 5th March 2015

What a ton of fun today's Ambrose event proved to be. A great event to compensate for the coring of the greens. 63 members enjoyed the great weather and course conditions. The efforts of the ground staff, together with 14 volunteers from the men's golf, were very apparent.

The winning team was Liz Stedman, Pam Cowin, Bev Milson and Marilyn Armstrong with a nett score  of 60 5/8; 2nd  was the team of Carol Stratford, Aiki Harrigan, Nancy Carey-Berryman and Yvonne Brooker with a nett score of 62 1/4; 3rd was the team of Anne Glance, Di Ind, Molly Russell-Smith and Charmaine Armbruster with a nett score of 62 5/8; and 4th was the team of Jenny Chapman, Kerrie McInerney, Nell Spargo and Deanne Curby with a nett score of 63 1/4.  Gross score winners with a score of 77 was the team of Viv Ball, Alison Bone, Chris Whalan and Norma Wilkes.

Nearest to the Pin Awards went to :

Division 1. 2/11 Di Ind, 4/13 Alison Bone and 15th Anne Glance
Division 2. 2/11 Cheryl Ledger, 4/13 Lynne Howell and 15th Pam Cowin
Division 3. 2/11 Yvonne Brooker

Notes from meeting:

April 30 4BBB Par Classic. Jenny explained that this event was the initial game to qualify for the final prize of a game at Bonville later in the year. If you wish to enter this event it will cost $5 each and you need a two person team. Make a note in your book and organise a partner.

Please also note that the Easter Novelty Day is a team of 4 event.

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