Results Stableford + 2BBB in conjunction, 5th Dist Brooch 25 June 2015

We had 52 starters on a very wet course today in sunny weather. Results were as follows:

Div. 1.     Winner.    Nicky Henderson (2) with a score of 32
                2nd.         Diane Ind (22) with a score of 30

Div. 2.     Winner.   Elaine Clarke (32) with a score of  27
                2nd.         Peggy Searle (28) with a score of 26

Div. 3.     Winner.   Charmaine Armbruster (42) with a score of 29
                2nd.         Jan Hoban (35) with a score of 28 on a count back

2Ball in conjunction:  Winners.  Aiki Harrigan and Jeaneice Gibson with a score of 37, from
                                    2nd.         Nancy Carey-Berryman and Norma Wilks with a score of 36

Nearest the Pin.          2/11th.                              4/13th.                               15th

Division 1.                 Sally Hopkins.                  Nell Spargo.                      Nicki Draper
Division 2.                           -                                      -                                 Chris Baddack
Division 3.                  Jan Hoban.                               -                                             -

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