Results Stroke+Monthly Medal+4th GNSW Medal+Country Championships(Vets)

There was a real buzz in the air today as 63 ladies competed in the monthly Stroke Competition. The news of our wonderful Pennants wins united members as we celebrated procuring the coveted Margin Shield. It has been 17 years since our last victory and 1992 was the previous victory. Interestingly in 1992 Molly Chapman was Captain and Terrigal won Divisions 2, 3 and 4. Terrigal wasn't able to enter a team in Division 1 so Molly played in the Tuggerah Lakes (now Shelley Beach) team which won the Division 1 Pennants. What an amazing Mother/daughter experience to share 23 years apart!

Today's winners were

Division 1. Winner.  Janice Adlard (15) with a net score of 68
                   2nd.       Sally Hopkins (12) with a net score of 71 on a count back from
                   3rd.        Margaret Day (24) with a net score of 71
                   4th.        Marilyn Armstrong (14) with a net score of 72
Division 2. Winner.  Peggy Searle (28) with a net score of 71
                   2nd.       Viv Ball (29) with a net score of 72
                   3rd.        Susan Connor (32) with a net score of 73
Division 3. Winner.  Deanne Curby (35) with a net score of 74
                   2nd.        Ione Clarke (38) with a net score of 75
                   3rd.        Di Laws (35) with a net score of 76
                   4th.        Aileen Davis (38) with a net score of 78

Gross Winner over the field was Janice Adlard 83 points on a count back.
Nearest the Pin.       2/11.                            4/11.                         15th.                    Putting
Division 1.              Aiki Harrigan.             Margaret Day.          Janice Adlard.     Susan Muna 28 Putts
Division 2.               -                                  -                                Viv Ball.             Pam Crowe. 28 Putts
Division 3.              Deb Lorking.               Jan Hoban.               Deb Lorking.      Gerda Mather 30 Pts

The day was topped off when the Breakers Club provided Champagne and Orange Juice as their way of congratulating our members of our Pennants Teams for their brilliant wins.

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