Monthly Medal+1st Rnd C'ships+1st Rnd Vets C'ships + 6th GNSWMedal 6 August 2015

63 ladies enjoyed a sunny day with the course drier and providing much appreciated 'run' for the first day of our Club Championships. Results for this round were as follows:

Division 1.
Winner.        Michelle Lee (27) with a nett score of 65
2nd.              Mel Sheekey (21) with a nett score of 69
3rd.               Jenny Chapman (21) with a nett score of 70 on a count back
4th.               Judy Scown (25) also with a nett score of 70

Division 2.
Winner.        Nell Spargo (28) with a nett score of 65 on a count back from
2nd.              Chris Baddock (29) also with a nett score of 65
3rd.               Rhonda Boothman (31) with a nett score of 67 on a count back
4th.               Nancy Carey-Berryman (33) also with a nett score of 67

Division 3
Winner.        Charmaine Armbruster (41) with a nett score of 68 on a c/back
2nd.              Ione Clarke (38) also with a nett score of 68
3rd.               Ronalda Arnott (35) with a nett score of 69 on a c/back
4th.               Deanne Curby (35) also with a nett score of 69

Marilyn Armstrong (14) was the Gross Winner over the field with 89

Nearest the Pins      2/11th.             4/13th.                    15th
Division 1.    Michelle Lee.          A. Bone.             G. Catanzariti
Division 2.    Peggy Searle.          Viv Ball.             Lynne Cattaway
Division 3.    Ione Clarke.            Denise Newman Angela McManus

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