Vets Ball play called off 17 September 2015

All week the forecast had threatened rain and lightening to spoil our golf day. When the morning bought calm, mild weather perfect for golf we all thought we just might sneak the day in. Good scores seemed to be the order of the day and we all watched the sky with the hope that the storms would go around us allowing us to complete what would have been a high scoring day. It was not to be, we were called in when the threat of hail and lightening were too close to ignore.

In light of today's turn of events please adjust your golf books to reflect the following alterations:

Vets Ball will now be played next week - 24 September.  Those members who played today will only be required to pay $10 next week to compensate. $16 for those who did not play today. The daily raffle will also be held over until next week.

The Challenge Cup Qualifier will now be held on 8 October.

Thank you to Nicky, Wayne and the grounds staff for taking care of us - even allowing a special select group to shelter in the machinery shed!

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