Annual General Meeting, your new Committee for 2016
Forty-nine members attended our Annual General Meeting today. Reports were submitted from your 2015 President, Judi Eaton; 2015 Captain, Jenny Chapman and 2015 Treasurer, Sally Hopkins along with Minutes from the 2014 AGM by 2015 Secretary, Helen Ingle.
Your Committee for 2016 were elected unopposed. They are
President. Cheryl Baker
Snr Vice President. Helen Ingle
Jnr Vice President. Nell Spargo
Secretary. Kerrie McInerney
Treasurer. Deanne Curby
Captain. Jenny Chapman
Vice Captain. Colleen Henry
Handicapper. Susan Muna
General Committee. Nancy Chilman, Michelle Lee,
Charmaine Armbruster, Veneice Higgin
Special thanks were given to Judi Eaton who vacated the Committee after a total of 10 years commitment. Five years on the Committee in various positions and the last five years as your very hard working President. Our appreciation also to Sally Hopkins and Di Connolly for their hard work over several years.
Di Rudd will take on the role of Vets CoOrdinator from Janice Adlard.
Your Committee for 2016 were elected unopposed. They are
President. Cheryl Baker
Snr Vice President. Helen Ingle
Jnr Vice President. Nell Spargo
Secretary. Kerrie McInerney
Treasurer. Deanne Curby
Captain. Jenny Chapman
Vice Captain. Colleen Henry
Handicapper. Susan Muna
General Committee. Nancy Chilman, Michelle Lee,
Charmaine Armbruster, Veneice Higgin
Special thanks were given to Judi Eaton who vacated the Committee after a total of 10 years commitment. Five years on the Committee in various positions and the last five years as your very hard working President. Our appreciation also to Sally Hopkins and Di Connolly for their hard work over several years.
Di Rudd will take on the role of Vets CoOrdinator from Janice Adlard.