Stableford 15 October and Stableford Shootout details

The nice early start on a glorious Spring day saw 51 ladies compete in this the last Stableford round to count towards the inaugural Stableford Shootout. The playing conditions were great with lots of run and fantastic greens. There were some fabulous scores making significant changes to the final qualifiers for the Stableford Shoot Out on 26 October.

Division 1.   Winner.    Jenny Chapman (21) with a score of 41 points
                     2nd.         Nicky Henderson (3) with 37 points on a c/b
                     3rd.          Nareda Leary (26) also with 37 points

Division 2.   Winner.   Veneice Higgin (30) with a score of 37 points
                     2nd.         Pam Cowin (29) with 36 points

Division 3.   Winner.   Di Rudd (40) with a score of 40 points
                     2nd.        Margaret Thorpe with 39 points

Nearest the Pins.         2/11.                       4/13.                          15th
Division 1.          Janice Adlard.        Cheryl Baker.            Kerrie McInerney
Division 2.          Deanne Curby.       Pam Cowin.              Terri Gardner
Division 3.         Jeaneice Gibson.            -                         Carol Mallyon

This is the list of ladies who scored the best Stableford results over the year to earn the honour of competing for the title of Stableford Shootout Champion:
Di Jackson 43; Jenny Chapman 41; Sally Hopkins 40 c/b; Di Rudd 40 c/b; Michelle Lee 40 c/b; Ronalda Arnott 40; Cheryl Baker 39c/b; Margaret Thorpe 39; Charmaine Armbruster 38 c/b; Annette McInnes 38 c/b.  Reserves are: Di Ind 38 and Kerrie McInerney 37c/b.

Players and spectators need to arrive at 11 40 for 12noon start on Monday 26 October. One  player will be eliminated each hole with the final winner decided on the 9th hole. Each player may organise their own caddy. The Committee will organise a marker for each player. A celebration afternoon tea in the club will complete what we hope will be a fun event.

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