Who'd have thought! Golf NSW Medal State Final

If you are like me you come to golf on a Thursday and play the game set down for that day. Terms such as "Stroke Monthly Medal 2nd GNSW Medal" just meant the game of the day was Stroke. It is only now, as I write this, that I realise how I qualified for the State Final.

All the first six stroke rounds are GNSW medal qualifying rounds. the winners in each division are those with the best 3 nett scores on any three of these 6 rounds.  My nett scores were good enough to qualify me, equal with Charmaine Armbruster, as our Division 3 GNSW medal winners at the District Final at Toukley on Champions Day last October. I was lucky enough to play well and won the District Division 3 GNSW medal and so earned a place at the State Finals for the Golf NSW medal.

How ridiculous - Me attending a State Final! This State Final was to be held at Stonecutters Ridge in December on a date which was not suitable for me - to my relief! Imagine my surprise when I found out the day had to be rescheduled due to bad weather. I knew then that I had been given a second opportunity to see what happens at this level, how could I turn it down again.

Colleen offered to play Caddie for the day and also drive which made my attendance possible. Registration was from 7 30 which meant leaving Wamberal at 5 30. On arrival at Stonecutters Ridge I was surprised to see that all of the ladies seemed to be just like us, no one was walking around with "Champion" emblazoned on their heads. In fact they were all lovely having come from all over the State. I played with Barbara from Kyogle, Carmel from Dubbo and Kathryn from Manly. It was a shotgun start at 8 30 on a beautiful morning on an amazing course that we discovered hole by hole! What an absolute privilege to be there! After the game we were given a very nice lunch while the results were calculated. It was a nice time to chat with new friends from all over the State.Winners were then announced for Country NSW and separately for Metropolitan Sydney. We were all given Shirts and GOlf NSW medals for making it to the finals. What an amazing experience!

My thanks to Jenny for invaluable information and her encouragement, to Colleen for so generously driving down and, spoiling me forever with her Caddie duties and to the District committee for ensuring I was included in the event as the original medal winner.

IF this could happen to me - THIS COULD BE YOU AT THE END OF THE YEAR!!


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