Par +Vets Ball 16 June 2016

It was good to see a good field of 52 starters in today's competition.  It was so nice to see Lynne Cattaway back after a long period off with a badly injured hand. What did we report last week when we talked about Min Corner's consistent playing? Must  have had a premonition that she would score extra well this week with a +2 taking out the Division 2 trophy. Well done Min! Di Rudd scored the best score of the day with a +3 in Division 3.  Great game Di! Di together with Di Jackson are two more ladies to keep an eye on as their handicaps start to come down. Unfortunately Di Jackson has called a temporary halt to her progress as she has knee surgery next Thursday which will put her out for a few months. Good luck Di we all wish you a speedy recovery. Results were as follows:

Division 1.  Winner.  Holly Akers (7) with +1
                     2nd.       Mel Sheekey (16) with all square
                     3rd.        Aiki Harrigan (18) with -2

Division 2.   Winner.  Min Corner (33) with +2
                     2nd.        Suzanne Connor (32) with all square

Division 3.  Winner.   Di Rudd (38) with +3
                     2nd.        Di Jackson (38) with -1

Congratulations to each of you!

Nearest the Pins.      2/11th.                4/13th.                 15th
Division 1.        Sally Hopkins.    Nicki Draper.      Holly Akers
Division 2.        Pam Cowin.                  -                Nancy Carey-Berryman
Division 3.        Nancy Chilman.            -                Di Jackson

Don't forget Thursday 21 July is our Charity day. As Cheryl mentioned this year we are trying a slightly different format with cakes, jams and chutneys, monster raffle, golf paraphernalia, new unwanted items, etc. This is our once a year opportunity to raise as much as we can in order to support our local charities. Get together with a group of friends and see what you can come up with to make a contribution to the success of this day.

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