Stableford + Vets Ball 14 July 2016

It was nice to welcome Krista and Sharn to Breakers. We hope you enjoyed your first comp game with us. Bev Milson returned to the fold after illness and travel. Good to have you back Bev.

A cool start followed by perfect playing conditions later in the morning saw 49 ladies join today's comp. The course was still a little damp with not as much run which kept the majority of the scores below 30. Janice Adlard (39!) and Judy Scown (36) in Division 1 played way over the rest of the field. Great game girls! Results were as follows:

Division 1.  Winner.  Janice Adlard (16) with 39 points
                     2nd.       Judy Scown (22) with 36 points

Division 2.  Winner.  Annette McInnes (28) with 30 points on a count back from
                     2nd.       Jan Hoban (32) also with 30 points

Division 3.  Winner.  Aileen Davis (39) with 32 points
                     2nd.       Gerda Mather (45) with 29 points

Nearest to the Pins.    2/11th.                      4/13th.                     15th
Division 1.                 Judy Scown.      Cheryl Baker.       Janice Adlard
Division 2.                         -                           -                  Annette McInnes
Division 3.                 Di Rudd.                      -                  Di Rudd

Charity Day next Thursday. Please drop your cakes, slices, jams, raffle baskets, prizes, produce off at the entry door opposite the bowling green on your way to tee off. Make sure you bring your money with you in order to purchase goodies and raffle tickets. Proceeds from this day are directed to local charities. The past couple of years The Haven School has been the recipient of our donation. This school rescues mainly Year 7 & 8 kids who find it difficult to attend regular schools. It teaches them life skills eg cooking, handling money, respect, etc. etc.

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