Stroke+Monthly Medal+5th GNSW Medal + Goodwill Plate 7 July 2016

Fancy having to write a blog for a day like today but, you guessed it, 20 brave? Ladies took to the course in spite of the wind and rain.  The course, I am told, was playable with the sudden puddles requiring brief stops. Some of the more sensible ladies called it quits after 9 holes but the game did proceed with enough ladies playing to make it an official comp day. Results for these brave ladies are as follows:

Winner.    Jan Hoban (32) with 79 nett;  2nd  was Aiki Harrigan (17) with 80 nett;
3rd.          Jan Portelli (33) with 82 nett and. 4th was Jenny Chapman (17) with 84 nett on a c/back

Gross Winner across the field was Aiki Harrigan (17) with 97 gross
Putting with the lowest no of putts went to Jan Portelli with 31 putts
Nearest the Pin: Suzanne Connor was our only contender on the 2/11th

News items ....
Congratulations to Ronalda Arnott for winning the Divisiin 2 Knock Out last Monday against Charmaine Armbruster.
Congratulations to our ever reliable Dee Barham for winning the Long Markers at Everglades on Tuesday in testing conditions.

Please note entries close next week, 14 July, for our Club Championships. $4 for the Club Championships (4, 11 & 18th August) plus another $3 for the Vets Championships (4th & 11th  August). $7 for both. You've got to be in it to win it!

Blogger made a mistake last week!!!! From 1 July a social game will cost you $9 for 9 or 18 holes. Hope you all enjoyed getting that $1 change that you weren't expecting!

Charity Day is on 21 July. If you are not busy preparing goodies please save your money so you are prepared to buy in order to make this 'once a year' day a success.

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