Stroke Monthly Medal+6th GNSW Medal+1st Rnd Club+Vets Championships

57 eager ladies took to the course today hoping to have a good first round for the 2016 Club and Vets Championships. Our course surprised us with better than expected playing conditions given the recent wet weather, though preferred lies through the greens were very welcome. Congratulations to our winners of each division who represented the young - Mel Sheekey, the not so young - Kathy Porter and the not, not so young - Min Corner! Great work on a day that saw some pretty high scoring - did anyone hear about Michelle Collyer's 17 on the 7th? Results were as follows:

Division 1.   Winner.   Mel Sheekey (16) with a nett score of 73
                      2nd.        Di Connolly (25) with a nett score of 74
                      3rd.         Nicki Draper (18) with a nett score of 76

Division 2.   Winner.   Min Corner (32) with a nett score of 72
                      2nd.        Annette McInnes (28) with a nett score of 74 on a c/back
                      3rd.         Lucy Strada (28) with a nett score of 74
                      4th.         Susan Muna (30) with a nett score of 76

Division 3.    Winner.   Kathy Porter (33) with 70 the lowest nett for the day
                      2nd.         Di Rudd (35) with a nett score of 76
                      3rd.          Ronalda Arnott (34) with a nett score of 77

Winner Gross over the Field was Holly Akers (6) with a gross score of 82

Nearest the Pins.       2/11th.                     4/13th.                       15th
Division 1.                Sally Hopkins.        Nicki Draper.      Holly Akers
Division 2.                Lynne Cattaway.            -                   Monica Haines
Division 3.                          -                    Debbie Lorking.  Mary Strada

The Championships will continue with Stroke rounds next week - Club + Vets and the following week - the third and final round of Club Championships. If you are not playing in the Championships you can play at the end of the field on both days.


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