Stabaleford 19 October 2016

There were 48 lady golfers entered in today's competition. Conditions were perfect for golf - great course with fairways allowing lots of run, ideal weather conditions and enthusiastic competitors. The scores were amazing! 16 balls were awarded to players who scored from 41 down to 35 on a count back! Fantastic results!!!

Nancy Chilman and Colleen Henry are wondering just what they have to do to win their Divisions after scoring 40 and 39 respectively today only to be pipped by Barbara Holt who scored 41 points in Division 3 and Min Corner who scored 40 points in Division 2! Jill Lavery, Min Corner and Barbara Holt were winners last week ... when you are hot there is no stopping you!

Results were as follows

Division 1.   Winner.  Jill Lavery (26) with 37 points
                     2nd.       Kerrie McInerney (19) with 34 points

Division 2.   Winner.  Min Corner (31) with 40 points
                     2nd.       Colleen Henry (28) with 39 points

Division 3.   Winner.  Barbara Holt (39) with 41 points
                     2nd.        Nancy Chilman (39) with 40 points

Nearest the Pins.        2/11th.               4/13th.                 15th
Division 1.            Holly Akers.        Holly Akers.     Anne Glance
Division 2.            Lucy Strada.        Colleen Henry.  Anara Porter
Division 3.            Di Jackson.                  -                 Noela Hilbert

Congratulations to the following ladies who compete for the honour of Stableford Shootout Champ next Wednesday, 26 October commencing at 12noon. Here they are in order of qualifying:
Susan Muna, Viv Ball, Nancy Carey-Berryman, Helen Ingle, Di Jackson, Janice Adlard, Monica Haines, Aiki Harrigan, Charmaine Armbruster and Anne Glance.

Next Thursday, 27 October is the Medal of Medals Stroke round. Those ladies who have qualified to fight it out for the best of the best will head the field followed by the rest of us. Best wishes to all who have won monthly medals who are in the running for this award.

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