CCWGA District Tournament at Toukley and Gosford.

A number of our Breakers ladies played the two day tournament with some wonderful results.

Day one was played at Toukley
Div 1 winner Sally Hopkins 36 stableford pts.
Div 3 Veneice Higgin NTP 3 hole.
Div 3 Michelle Lee NTP 17 hole 2nd shot.
Balls where won by Shan Melverton, Lucy Strada, Jenny Chapman, and Judy Eaton.

Day Two was played at Gosford.
Div 1 Jenny Chapman 39 s'ford points winner.
Div 3 Shan Melverton  39 s'ford pts  4th c/b
Balls were won by: Colleen Henry, Charmaine Armbruster, Anne Glance, Sally Hopkins and Moya Allen.

Results over the two days:
Div 1 s'ford  champion over 36 holes was Jenny Chapman.
Div 2 36 hole nett runner up was Anne Glance
Div 2 36 hole s'ford champion  was Colleen Henry
Div 3 36 hole  s'ford champion was Shan Melverton.

Our raffle winner was Veneice Higgin
As you can see some wonderful results.  Congratulations to all our winners.
Anne Glance,Shan Melverton Jenny Chapman and Colleen Henry.

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