Ambrose, Team of 4, 9 March 2017

Many of us welcomed the fact that the greens had been cored and we could look forward to a fun team event. A field of 57 ladies took to the course in perfect playing conditions. Lynne Cattaway forged her place as a star team member by hitting the perfect gobbler from 113 metres out on the 7th!!  Fantastic shot Lynne! Run away winners for today were team members Sally Hopkins, Janice Adlard, Chun Kim - so good to have you back Chun - and Bronwyn Dwyer.  Full results were:

Net Winners
1st - Sally Hopkins (10), Janice Adlard (14), Chun Kim (23) and Bronwyn Dwyer (32) with the    fantastic score of 57 1/8
2nd - Charmaine Armbruster (31), Nancy Carey-Berryman (32), Gina Mesiti (31) and Marnie I'Anson (25) with 63 1/8
3rd -  Diane Ind (17), Shan Melverton (27), Alison Bone (28) and Mary Matthews (45) - 63 3/8

Gross Winners
Aiki Harrigan (16), Molly Russell-Smith (23), Viv Ball (26) and Peggy Searle (27) with a total of 75 shots.

Nearest the Pins

2/11th  Sally Hopkins.    4/13th.  Aiki  Harrigan.    15th.  Suzanne Connor

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