Foursomes Championship

It looked promising.........................starting with a beautiful sunrise.

Unfortunately the clouds came in with a constant drizzle just to add to the humidity and make the hair frizz ๐Ÿ˜‚. The further we soldiered on the darker the clouds became and, without warning, the heavens opened up and down it came with nowhere to hide or stay dry. Some ladies scrambled for wet weather gear some didn't bother.

By now the frizzy hair was a dripping mess๐Ÿ˜• and there was a mad dash for the clubhouse and this was not easy, the paths had turned to rivers and fairways a soaking muddy mess.
As we entered the club it was a sight of dripping hair, soaked clothes (including the underwear) shoes had been removed and jackets and shirts drying out over chairs.

It just wasn't meant to be so we will do it all again in September. This will please some if they weren't fairing too well in the wet. Others who played well will just have to bring their A game again in September.

Signing off feeling wet and wrinkly ✌⛳ and one must hang their wet clothes out to dry (and yes that includes the underwear)

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