Hawks Nest 2 Day Comp

Many of our ladies headed up the freeway on Sunday to Hawks Nest, but not before having a fix of coffee and pies at Heatherbrae  😋. After a quick unpack there was some serious shopping to be done at the Pro Shop with some ladies walking out with some very full bags and a smile on their faces.

Monday morning arrived and some pretty miserable rain welcomed us at the course. It didn't dampen our enthusiasm. Everyone encountered different conditions from heavy rain in the morning to very windy conditions in the afternoon.

The greens were very challenging, very quick and tricky to read and with all the rain they have had, it was hard to chip and run onto the green so a good high chip to land and sit was needed.

The fairways were in great condition and still gave quite a good run (as long as you took advantage and used them 😆 rather than the tree route.)

After a well earned drink and dinner the ladies hit the dance floor and showed off their moves. WOW they know how to party!!! 👏 This is all I can reveal because "What happens in Hawks Nest stays in Hawks Nest" 😂

Tuesday morning came with more rain, wind, sunshine, wind, rain and more wind. 💨💦😎😱🌂☔ Heading back to your room for a rest and a shower gave you a second wind (no pun intended) before the presentation started. Some socialised while others caught up on the cricket. Our Breakers ladies had some great results over the 2 days as you can see from the results below.

Day 1

Div 2:   Anne Glance (23)  Gross winner 96

Stableford:   Carol Stratford (44)  3rd 32pts

Day 2

Div 1:  Anne Glance (22)  Nett Winner 72

Div 3:  Michelle Hughes (30)          Gross Winner 104
            Charmaine Armbruster (35) Won Nett 70
            Vickie Duesbury (34)           2nd Nett 76

Stableford: Di Rudd (38)        3rd with 33 points
                    Dee Barham (36)  4th with 32 points

36 Hole Winners

Div 2: Anne Glance (22) Winner Gross 190

Div 3: Charmaine Armbruster (35) Nett Winner 146
           Michelle Hughes (30)          Runner up Gross 218

Stableford: Dee Barham (36) 4th with 63points

Longest Drive: Lynne Cattaway and Kerry More

Raffle winners: Di Rudd, Susan Muna, Nell Spargo x2

Bring on next year ⛳

Signing of 😎✌


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