1. COMP FEE $17
From the start of July, it will cost $17 for both men’s and ladies comps. This is necessary to help cover the costs of a new computer system, which we are currently in the process of organising. One great advantage will be the opportunity to book in online.
We regularly assess numbers in all divisions each week to try to keep them as even as possible. We have decided to amend them as of this week.  Division headings on timesheets will alter in line with these changes in a week or two.
Division 1 will be 0-26  Division 2 will be 27-33 Division 3 will be 34-45
Please note that for the yearly continuous comps, such as eclectic and point score, ladies remain in the division they were in at the start of the competitions in February.
Due to the recent poor weather, we have had to re-program some stroke events. 
This week will be the July Monthly Medal, as programmed, with the 4th GNSW medal and the Vets Country Championships in conjunction.
The first round of the championships will now include the 5th GNSW medal.
The June Monthly Medal will now be held on the second week of the championships, 10th August and this will also be the final round of the GNSW medal.
The club championships will be held in the first three weeks of August. Entry fees are $4 for the Championships and $3 for the Veterans Championships which are held over the first two rounds. Entries will be taken the next two Thursdays after golf. There will be a seeded draw each week. Those only playing in the day event will play at the end of the field.
      5. CHARITY DAY
Don’t forget that our Charity Day this year will be a Shotgun Start 7.30 for 8. There will be a side door open for you to leave any goodies you have for either the cake/jams/pickles stall or the raffles.
     6. PENNANTS
At the last district meeting, a vote was taken to change the name from Interclub Match Play back to Pennants for next year. Considering nearly everyone still called it pennants and the other name was confusing people who played other interclub events, it made total sense.

Our annual lunch to say thank you to those of you who have either played pennants, worked on the committee or social committee or assisted in other ways, will be held on Tuesday, 19th September. More details later.

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