New Computer System

As discussed on Thursday, there is also a MEMBERS LOG IN on the Breakers Website which takes you to the Members Portal 
Go To:
Click on the Sports Tab
Click on the 3rd point ...GOLF MEMBER LOGIN
Click on the button Click Here on the bottom right hand corner of the blue rectangle
Please note: Your user name is your Breakers Country Club Membership Number. Your password is the day and month of your birthday in a 4 digit code (for example, the 4th of May would be 0405). If you have any issues with your log in, please contact Peter Searle on 0407 000 617.
Times you have already booked in will be shown. 
Use the tee booking tab at the top to view timesheets. At this stage, you may only view the timesheets 7 days prior to play, even though they appear to be open. Hopefully, this timing will change in the near future.
Loyalty points show how many balls you currently have in the new system. You can redeem these in the usual way at the pro shop.
Click on the results tab and scroll down to see results from completed comps. At this stage, please ignore the eclectic results. We are using the next few weeks as a practice run for next year. This year’s eclectic results are being compiled elsewhere.
On the My Profile tab you will find your current details. We are still working on updating all information in the new program. You can go in here and edit any errors.
We will continue to update you on this system as we iron out any few teething problems or change any procedures.

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