Everglades Open Day 10/04/18

Everglades held an Irish 4BBB today. The course was in great condition. Before we started we could purchase a free throw and kick for $2. There was a longest drive, NTP's and for $2 you could have the pro hit over the water on 4th Par 3.

Let me tell you a story about the free throw and kick in my team (I'm sure Colleen won't mind). Firstly Charmaine hit a ball hard up against the tree so why not use the free throw............... with a few practise throws she released the ball and lets say she got the height but very little distance was made. Colleen was in a fit of laughter, Kerrie and I held it in a bit more and Charmaine walked off a little disappointed in herself. This my friends is when Karma comes right back at you. On the next hole Colleens ball landed behind a bunker so I explained lets use your throw to get it near the hole and it will take the pressure off hitting over the bunker. Great idea Colleen say's, thats an easy throw. So here colleen stands beaming with confidence, she releases the ball popping it in the air only to land it straight in the bunker. 😟😞Her face was priceless, Charmaine did laugh at her and well lets say it wasn't forgotten for the rest of the game.

Colleen has asked not to be disturbed this afternoon as she is going home to practice her throwing skills πŸ˜‚ See attached image Colleen

Jenny and Anne Glance won a ball

Sandra Kunze was nearest the pin on the 12th in 2nd Division

Raffle Winners:
Jan Gee
Michelle Hughes
Sandra Kunze
Kerrie McInerney x2
Vicki Duesbury
Bronwyn Dwyer
Deanne Curby

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