Thursday 13th Stableford/Vets

Wow Wow Wow! Big scores came rolling in 😮. Congratulations to Min Corner for her score of 47 points 🙌🙌🙌👏👏👏. Not only did Min win 3rd Division, she also took all 3 NTP's for the day.


With our AGM approaching:

From the Secretary: Must receive any Nominations for the Committee Positions by 3pm Thursday 4th October, 2018
and any special business to be discussed at the AGM, in writing no later than 3pm Thursday, 27th September, 2018.

Constitution: The Constitution has been updated and will be discussed at our AGM, on October 18th 2018.

 Breakers Country Club Board Voting:
Voting for the Club’s AGM is from Thursday 27th October to Saturday 6th October 2pm – 7pm.

Please read the following from the Peter Searle (Mens Committee)
Hi Michelle
We are having an event at Mt Penang on the 22nd to help out our drought stricken farmers out west. We have decided to be a little different from the usual by not only collecting donations but also delivering the goods and money directly to the farmers who really need it, as well as showing them we care. So after we collect all the donations a group of us are off to Pack Saddle (175klms north of broken hill) where it is really, really dry to have a BBQ, meet the farmers and deliver the donations. We would be grateful if you could help by spreading the word , and all the info for the day will be posted here -
 Pete Searle
Gosford North Rotary

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