Penalty Areas

PENALTY AREAS                RULE 17

Although we now only have red penalty areas at Breakers, you need to know the rule for Yellow penalty areas as well in case you come across one at another course (eg Toukley) so...

Relief for ball in Yellow Penalty Area  (this has not changed!)

1.       Stroke and distance relief.  Go back and hit from where you played the previous stroke for a one stroke penalty (One club length relief area from the original point in the general area)

2.       Back on the Line relief.  The reference line is the line from where the ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area to the flag. You may go back as far as you like on the line. (One club length relief area from the chosen point in the general area)

The above two options are also available for all Red Penalty Areas (this has also not changed!)

For Red Penalty Areas there is still this additional option

3.       Lateral relief. You may take two club lengths relief from the reference point, where the ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area. It must not be nearer the hole. 

As an example, on our 3rd hole, you may sometimes prefer to use option 2 above as that may take you back to a good lie on the fairway whereas you might get a poor lie if you choose to drop using option 3.

It is important to note that you can no longer take relief on the opposite side of a red penalty area, UNLESS there is a local rule allowing this option. This is the case on our 4th hole.

You can drop on the fairway side even if you didn’t cross on that side BUT....NOT WHERE IT FINISHED!!!   You must estimate the point on the opposite side that is the same distance from the flag as the point where your ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area and drop within two club lengths of that point, no nearer the hole.

NOTE: Changes when dropping. As well as dropping from knee height, another very important change when dropping is that the ball must finish within the relief area. It can no longer roll two club lengths out of the relief area.

PLEASE CHECK YOUR RULE BOOK (RULE 17 page 104) for further information and diagrams.

If you still aren’t sure, please ask for clarification as these rules come up just about every time we play at Breakers so it is important for us all to know the correct procedures.

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