Charity Day July 25

As our Charity Day is getting closer and as the weather may dissuade some from playing this week here are a few important notes regarding the day.

This is our main fund raising event for the district charity Rose Cottage at Wyong so we hope everyone will come along to enjoy the day.
We raised a record amount last year so let’s try to make this year even better.
We are encouraging ladies to get together with their friends and put together a hamper for our huge raffle.  A good idea is to purchase a voucher from the pro shop as part of a hamper or as a separate prize.  Nicky & Chas look after us very well and this is one way to give back.
This year as well as our usual cakes and preserves for sale we are having a recycled golf clothing stall.  So please check out your cupboard to see if you have items  in good condition that you no longer wear.
Please bring your golfing gear to the club on the day preferably on a hanger as it will be much easier to manage.
We are arranging for the door near the bowling green to be opened at 7am.  Some of us will be there to accept any hampers or produce.  Some of our wonderful helpers who will not be playing golf will help out during the morning to get everything in order.
We would like volunteers to help  on the day so please see Veniece or Charmaine if you wish to help in some way.
Our ladies are always very generous so come along and help us raise money for this very worthy cause.  Raffle tickets will be 3 for $10 and 7 for $20.

Also another reminder Sunday is your last chance to take advantage of the reduced golf rejoining fee. Next Thursday please bring your new membership card to the pro shop when paying so Chas and Nicky can see you are financial.

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