Charity Day from Charmaine.

We have a reputation for being a very generous group of ladies but this year our lady golfers excelled themselves and helped to make the day such a huge success.
Of course the highlight of the day was Jenny’s hole in one on the 2nd which is the hole sponsored by Sheila Caulfield of Belle Property.  Thank you to Sheila  for your donation of prizes for nearest the pins on ‘your hole’  and for the highest score over the field.

Thank you to those who made homemade goodies for the cake and produce stall and for the very generous raffle prizes.
Selling pre loved golf clothing worked out really well also.
A special thank you must go to Yvonne Brooker and Mary Matthews who worked wonders in the room and made it look so inviting when we came in from our game.
Here is a rundown of moneys raised today.  We should all be very proud.
Sale of Pennant Shirts (over 2 Thursdays)             $640.00
Raffle                                                                       $1240.00
Cakes & Preserves                                                     $621.40
Pre loved golf clothing                                                   $90.00
Tea/Coffee                                                                      $63.60
Total Raised                                                                $2655.00  which will be rounded out to $2700 to be donated to this year’s district charity of Rose Cottage at Wyong
Even without the sale of pennant shirts it was a record amount raise. 

We are so lucky to belong to such a great golf club with an amazing group of ladies.  Thank you all.’

Cheers  Charmaine

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