Local Rules

Have you had a chance to read our new local rules board outside the pro shop? It's always a busy time when you get to golf, catching up with people, putting, organising cards etc etc, so here is a copy of the board for you to read at your leisure.



Ladies          1-9   Black                  10-18   Red              

Men               1-9   Blue                    10-18   White

Social           1-18 Yellow 


All areas beyond the boundary fences and marked with white stakes with black tops—right hand side 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, behind 2nd green.

All penalty areas are marked by red stakes. There is now no option to drop on the opposite side of a red penalty area unless there is a local rule in place, as below at our course.
On the 4th/13th hole, there is an extra relief option if the ball is in the red penalty area on the right hand side of the hole. For one penalty stroke, the player may drop the original ball or another ball on the opposite side of the penalty area.

Reference Point: The estimated point on the opposite edge of the penalty area that is the same distance from the hole as the point where the original ball last crossed the edge of the red penalty area.

Size of Relief Area: Two club lengths from the reference point, not nearer the hole.
Drop Zones

If your ball is in one of the red penalty areas beside or behind the green on 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th holes you may drop the original ball or another ball within two club lengths from the nearest green Drop Zone sign, for one penalty stroke.


All tee markers, fixed sprinkler heads and plumbing connections, course signage, metal drainage grills, GUR and penalty area stakes, sand and rubbish receptacles, staked and wire guarded trees, wire screens (affecting swing), seats.
TREAT AS GUR (with approval of marker)

a.      Areas defined by white markers or lines

b.     Machinery wheel tracks in the general area

c.      Bare patches on fairways only

d.     Paths and roadways

e.      All areas of blue metal/gravel in the general area

f.       Exposed tree roots more than 2 club lengths from the trunk of the nearest tree

g.      Wood-chipped and all garden areas except the hedge behind 18th tee near the pump shed, the hedge between 5th fairway and 6th tee, the garden around the tree near the 7th bunker.

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