Next Thursday, 5th September is our Captain/President day. The event is a 2BBB. The first two in each timeslot are in the Captain's team, the 3rd and 4th are in the President's team.
Captains wear cool, green, purple etc. Presidents wear warm, orange, yellow etc


This was scheduled for tomorrow but due to the weather forecast, we have cancelled this. Instead, we are meeting for lunch at the Kincumber Pub from 11.30am. All welcome to join us.

3. STABLEFORD SHOOTOUT Monday 23rd September.

Qualifiers will be finalised this week and will be notified. Play will commence at 12 noon. Afternoon tea and presentation will be at the club from about 2.30. Please come along to support the players.

4. AGM is fast approaching on 17th October. Please think about joining either the committee or the social committee. It is a good opportunity to learn about what goes into running a club and is also a lot of fun.

5. PINK DAY  31st October

At this stage, we have no sponsors for this event other than for NTPs. If anyone has a family member or contact who has a business and may like to donate to this day, please see Charmaine for further details. This is our club's main charity day for the year so let's make sure it is a great success. The charity this year is, once again, Look Good Feel Better. This charity looks after women recovering from cancer treatment in the Central Coast area.

6. SHELLY BEACH CLASSIC next Monday, 2nd September

This is a shotgun start 8 for 8.30am. Leave plenty of time in case you have a bit of a walk!


Some people have not been able to log into the portal in recent days. For some reason, the passwords have been reset back to four digit birthdays so if your birthday is 2nd May you now need to add the beginning 0 so password would be 0205. Anyone who changed their password to something else, will also need to return to their  four digit birthday.

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