Press Release by Deanne Curby

Forget the publicity, all the hype, the fashions of the field and the marquees filled with the so called ‘beautiful people’ surrounding your usual trip to the Everest or Melbourne Cup. You haven’t witnessed anything until you have had the privilege of attending the Breakers Ladies Annual Stableford Shootout.  This annual event is packed full of excitement, tension, enthusiasm, fair play and sports’woman’ship. In charge of today’s prestigious event is Course Marshall Dwyer, Referee Gibson and Recovery officer Armbruster.
The talented 10 fillies all earn their place in the field by having exceptional rounds of the course over the period of a year.  And boy was the field diverse this year as was each individual’s approach to the race of the year!!
Most fillies and their caddies co-ordinated their apparel, some often enter events with the same combination of filly and caddy gear. There were a couple of standout individuals namely the fillies from the Lorking, Newman and Fox stables who made sure they wouldn’t be confused with their caddies! Speaking of caddies – what a technically competent and talented bunch they are supporting their respected fillies.  They are N. Leary; S. Connor; Y. Brooker – perhaps the wisest of the bunch; J. Lavery; D. Connolly; M. Collyer (generally the loudest of the bunch); V. Duesbury; C. Baker; A. McInnes and K. Moore.
Preparation for the event varied too: some arriving early ‘to get into the zone’; some leaving the selection of a caddy until they could choose from the talent on offer at the event; some seeking strength and endurance by eating waffles and coffee; or, for others, the partaking of bubbly refreshments prior to the race. 
Whatever the preparation, when the call to the marshalling area came, the magnificent ten stood proud, chafing at the bit, to get onto the course to see which filly could hold her nerves in check and commit to the task ahead.
The Course Marshall opened the barriers and out these fillies shot, led, of course, by the in-form lassie from the Hughes stable. This one is going to be hard to beat having qualified not once but several times over the year. Closely followed by that crafty old mare from the Carey-Berryman stable. This one may have more seasons under her belt but she is always a chance given her vast experience. On the left, but with her nose in front after the first furlong, came the Master, or should I say, Mistress of the Course, the young filly from the Chapman stable, calm, focused and of great ability this one. And then there was the Grey out of the Henry stable, a competitive, cunning filly is this one, don’t let her get a sniff of the prize!  Riding the far left was the popular filly from the Spargo stable. Oh no I fear she missed the start and may have trouble recovering from this position. Fantastic start from the filly from the Eaton stable – this one will be hard to beat with her high handicap, or should I say low weight, to her advantage. How impressive does she look! Also making an impressive start were the fillies from the Lorking and Newman stables! Both leapt out of the barriers. The Lorking filly has vast experience gained from non-stop travelling near and far.  If she can keep her head down she’ll be there at the end. Ah! this beautiful white lady from the very impressive Newman stable. This one will show the field how it’s done! And now for a relative new-comer from the Fox stable – what a huge achievement to be part of this impressive field. Ah! nerves have affected her at the barrier and she has run out of bounds! She may find it difficult to get over this first hurdle. Rounding out the ten is the steady, reliable, competitive filly from the Rudd stable. Inclined to the left she has plenty of hidden talent.
And the race is on! A hiccup at the first hurdle saw a tussle between fillies from the Spargo and Fox stables with the new-comer young Fox advancing to the second post. A much loved filly retires much earlier than expected. The crowded field snorted their way up the second post. I don’t believe it- there is another tussle between the fillies from the Fox, Lorking and Carey-Berryman stables. What an experience for the Fox filly, sadly she has been eliminated at the 2nd post.
Heading to the 3rd post with nostrils flared the now 7 fillies exploded! Trouble here for three of the favourites, the fillies from the Hughes, Henry and Carey-Berryman stables. Looks like that’s the end of the race for the Carey-Berryman stable. This race is ANYONE’S!!!
We all know the 4th post always has its casualties. This time it is the end of the race for the Lorking filly.  All that worldly experience not good enough on this occasion. And then there were 6.  Thundering down the 5th with its hazards to the left and right, our star filly from the Hughes stable managed to get herself into trouble, but miracle of miracles, she, with her great experience, got herself back into the running.  Unfortunately it was the great hope from the Eaton stable, with one slip up, who is the next filly to be eliminated. You will hear lots more about this one.  
And then there were 5. This next post appears to be the easiest on the course, but, can you believe it! it’s our most awarded filly from the Hughes stable who has trouble managing this and is eliminated as the rest of the field thunders past her. 
And then there were 4. The spectator gallery were dazed taking account of the casualties so far.  This is proving to be an epic race.  The crowd roaring their support for the courageous fillies still battling it out to win the coveted prize.  Which filly has the grit to win this challenge?? Which stable will take home the prize? The Chapman?; The Henry?; The Newman? Or the Lefty Rudd for her stable?
Hurtling down the 7th they came. Oh no! Looks like another tussle between the Newman and Chapman fillies as they round the bend. And the victor is the Chapman filly.  That’s it for 2019 for the gorgeous White from the Newman stable. What a great race she had! She sure showed a lot of grit!  
The excitement is mounting as the final three fillies take to the 8th. Looks like the lefty from the Rudd stable is in troubl. Yes, sadly, after an inspirational display the lefty is eliminated. 
AND THEN THERE WERE 2 left to battle it out to the Finish line. Stride for stride down the track came the Henry and Chapman fillies, neck to neck! The crowd roared their encouragement as the two fillies shot to the Finish Line.  A PHOTO FINISH!!!!!  There has to be a winner, and so begins the tussle for the last furlong again. The tension between the two fillies was mounting! Can you believe it ANOTHER PHOTO FINISH!!  These two fillies from the Chapman and Henry stable are both crowd favourites and highly competent and competitive!! The Course Marshall rallies both fillies and sets a further challenge in order to get one winner.  Off the fillies trot only to TIE FOR A THIRD TIME!!  A change to the rules for future races is discussed but another challenge is set for this unbeatable two. Two panting, snorting fillies start Challenge No. 4 – it’s becoming boring now – the crowd are tired and hungry, not to mention the state of the Chapman and Henry fillies! Looks like another re-run of the last furlong! 
THIS IS RIDICULOUS – ANOTHER PHOTO FINISH!!! The Course Marshall steps in and declares the 2019 Breakers Ladies Stableford Shootout has two Winners! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE INVINCIBLE FILLIES FROM THE CHAPMAN AND HENRY STABLES!!!!!! 

What a race!  What an outcome! What a great event! What a great crowd! And now out with the Champagne and something to eat.

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