Congratulations to the following ladies who have qualified for this year's shootout to be held on Monday, 23rd September, starting at 12 noon.

In order of qualifying.....

Michelle Hughes
Nancy Carey-Berryman
Jenny Chapman
Colleen Henry
Nell Spargo
Judi Eaton
Debbie Lorking
Denise Newman
Wendy Fox
Di Rudd

Reserves are Vicki Duesbury and Veneice Higgin.

We look forward to as many as possible as a gallery. Afterwards, there will be afternoon tea from about 2.45 in the club. If you would like to attend and did not pay at the beginning of the year, you can still pay $7 to Deanne prior to or on the day.


Don't forget that the Thank you lunch is on next Monday, 16th September at 12 noon for those who received an invitation. 

NEWS from NSW Vets at Kooindah today....

Judi Eaton and Colleen Henry were Division Two winners of the 4BBB Stableford with 41 points. Congratulations!!! Breakers on the map once again.

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