It’s important to know where the money we have raised for Look God Feel Better last year has been spent, especially as we will be focusing on donating more to this worthy cause following our Pink Day on Thursday 31st October.

Last year we donated $2508 to this cause.  LGFB has advised that our donation has assisted them in running 8 workshops in the Gosford area so far with 2 more to run.  These workshops are on track to directly support over 120 people in the local community going through cancer treatment.

Each workshop costs approx.$1000 to facilitate and listed below are items that are essential to running the workshops –

Workshop Promotion:  Patients receive a brochure as part of a kit when leaving hospital.  Banners are also displayed in Oncology departments where allowed
Staff Expenses: 1800 number, travel, parking, accommodation where required to visit workshops and to recruit patients
Volunteer expenses:  aprons, name badges etc
Postage/freight:  Kits are sent to each workshop from the warehouse in Minchenbury.  Postage of participant information for those not on email
Workshop supplies:  Take home instruction booklets, mirrors, wigs and headwear to demonstrate with, carry bag for makeup and skin care supplies etc.

We look forward to another successful day on Thuirsday.

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