Stableford 21st November

Wow, there sure is a lot of run. Perhaps it was most noticeable later in the day, given the scores in the last few groups.
Congratulations to Gerda on 42pts, Anara on 40, Trace and Helen on 38 and Viv, Peggy and Terry on 37. Check out your new handicaps ladies!!

Prize sheet below..

Next week is our 3 clubs and a putter event. Please only bring these clubs. It won't be handicapped even if the scores are as good as today.

5th December is our Christmas day. The event is a 2BBBB all ways. Don't forget that we have our special Christmas raffle, to be followed by Kris Kringle. If you are interested in joining us for the Kris Kringle, please bring a wrapped present to the value of about $10.

12th December is the Presentation Lunch. If you haven't got your ticket yet, see Deanne with your $10 next week.

Finally, don't forget that any prize money that is left on your blue members card at the end of December, will be LOST!! Either spend your points or transfer them to your pink Pearl Rewards Card.

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