Christmas Closing Day

Great day, shame about the weather. Despite the smoke, almost everyone chose to play in the final event of the year, which was a 2BBB All Ways. As usual, many teams went to a lot of trouble to look the part.


Congratulations to Di Rudd, with a spectacular score of 42 points. Her teammates all managed to improve her score on several holes to dominate the 2 Ball scores. Good luck to Di next Wednesday as she competes in the State Final of the GNSW medal at Stonecutters Ridge. She's certainly in form. Let's hope she hasn't peaked too soon. 🤞🤞


There was lots of fun afterwards with both the Christmas raffle and Kris Kringle. Thanks especially to Ione and Colleen for organising this and I guess mention must be made of Michelle Collyer's efforts to speed up play!  It really got everyone moving. 😂😂😂


1. The presentation is a 10.30 for 11 am start next Thursday. There will be another raffle with some great hampers to be won.  Tickets will be 2 for $5 or 5 for $10.

2. For those who wish to attend, there will be a ceremony at the Memorial Stone at 10 am prior to the presentation to add both Jill King and Pat Whittle's names to the stone.

3. RE: Cash and Points on your Blue Breakers Membership Card.

Please note that prior to July 22nd this year, our golf  and raffle winnings were added to our card as CASH to CARD. Many of you will still have some cash here. You can check by asking Helen at the front desk to give you a print out. This Cash will NOT fall off at the end of the year and can be used to pay your fees next year.

After July 22nd, all winnings have been added as points. These are the same points as those you get when you swipe your card, pay for golf or purchase food and drinks. THESE POINTS WILL FALL OFF AT THE END OF DECEMBER unless you spend them all OR you arrange to get a PINK PEARL REWARDS CARD onto which you can transfer your points. When you transfer your points, as cash, to your Pearl Card, you can then save them up to use next year to pay your fees if that is what you want to do.

Also, some of you may like to add your own money to your PEARL CARD. On the back of your card, you will find a BSB Number and an Account Number. You can use online banking to transfer your own money onto the PEARL card.

Anyone who is still unsure, please make sure you clarify things next Thursday or you may lose your points at the end of the year.

4. Don't forget to pick up any balls you may have which might expire before next year. Remember that balls expire automatically three months after you earn them.

5. See Colleen or Michelle next week if you haven't yet put your name down for 9 holes of Match Play on 19th December.

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