Golf News

Good morning ladies, just to update you as to golf and the Covid-19 Corona Virus. After a meeting this morning with Ken Pearson we have been advised at this point we can still play golf however updates to the club are coming in regularly.

There will be no presentation after golf tomorrow. Please enter cards and leave in box provided. The club also advises not to gather in large groups afterwards.

The club is emailing all members procedures introduced to the play of golf as listed below:

1. Removal of pins from putting greens
2. All pins on greens to be left in and remove ball with hand using your gloved hand
3. Wipe sand buckets before and after completion of game
4. Removal of sunscreen
5. No hand shaking after completion of round
6. All rakes will be removed from bunkers, golfers are asked to smooth the bunkers as best as possible with their feet and golf club.
7. Do not mark fellow golfers ball,only mark your own.
8. All water bubblers on the course will be turned off and the Pro shop has bottled water available for sale.
9. Follow instructions set out in the Breakers Country Club notice dated 16th March 2020

Breakers will endeavour to keep patrons safe to allow them to enjoy their round of golf and other social events.

The Ladies committee will keep everyone updated with any new news. Please check the Blog/Facebook regularly for any updates.

Ladies Committee

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