The Committee has had some tough decisions to make over the past few days but be assured that these decisions have been made with your wellbeing in mind.

The biggest decision we had to make was in regard to our golf competition, after taking into account our committees suggestions and concerns we have made the decision to SUSPEND the ladies competition at this point. We will assess it on a week to week basis and keep you all informed.

Please note the golf course remains OPEN and social golf can be booked by ringing Charles and Nicky on 43845691

Any ladies wishing to play comp the men are still running mixed comp on Saturday's.

As most Charity days around the District including our own Easter Charity Day will not go ahead we will be writing to the District requesting that our Charity fundraising for Lifeline Direct be postponed until 2021.

In the present circumstances Lifeline will be needing our donations more than ever so we should be in a position to give them our very best effort and we look forward to doing this next year.

The special meeting planned for Thursday 16th April where amendments to our Constitution and audited financial reports were to be presented to our members will be rescheduled once we have more of an idea how things progress.

We will be liaising with the men’s committee giving them an update on our decisions and working with them to handle the current situation the best way possible.

Our fb page and blog will be updated on a regular basis to keep you informed.

We wish you all the best over this time and hope that you will keep healthy and safe.

Your Committee

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