Update from the Committee

The Committee had an email 'meeting' earlier in the week and needless to say we are very happy that our course is now open for 9 hole social games.  We thank the Club management for making this decision.  It's great to see your names on the portal & we look forward to waving to you across the fairway. The course is also in amazing condition thanks to Wayne and the team. 

All members can book online through the portal (up to two players only) or by ringing the Pro-shop.
The ladies and men's committee are working together and monitoring whether we will be able to run competition alongside the social play. A decision will be made over the next two weeks.

The district committee are in constant contact and any further information we can give will be forwarded on to all members.

Our thoughts & good wishes go to Nicky & Chas as just when the course was reopening Nicky's Mum fell and broke her leg.  So you won't be seeing much of Nicky as she is with her Mum at the moment & when travel is allowed Nicky will be caring for her on the Coast.  Such bad luck.

Hope you are all enjoying being back on our beautiful course.

Ladies Golf Committee

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