I am happy to tell you Thursday comp will start back next Thursday 21st May. You will be able to book online from 12:00pm tomorrow Friday 15th. Due to10min intervals this reduces our Tee Bookings so please if you book in and then realise you can't play please pull yourself out of the comp to free it up for someone else. We will only be playing stableford and there will be marshals on the course keeping an eye on play. Please be mindful of keeping up with the group in front.
From next Thursday you will then be able to book in a week at a time.

Just like Social play the rules are still the same:

Arrive and be ready 10mins before your Tee time
No netts will be open for practice
Practice putting green is closed
No flag removal
No rakes in bunkers therefore free drop in bunker
Social Distancing 1.5metres apart
No socialising in the carpark before or after your game

On completion please drop your card in the box provided inside the pro shop door

Stay Safe everyone and I'm looking forward to seeing you out on the course.


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