Members Information

We hope you are enjoying being back on our beautiful course. We are doing our very best to ensure that all get a fair go during current restrictions. There has been some negative comments recently on social media, via phone calls and approaching committee members before golf which is not helpful under the current circumstances. You can be assured that your committee is working very closely with the Club/Board, the Pro Shop and the men's committee to make this process as smooth as possible. 

The Club is very conscious of adhering to Covid 19 restrictions and looking after the well being of it's members.
The committee  has been closely monitoring games over the past week and it is clear that adding more slots would not allow us to keep within Covid restrictions.

The committee can access the portal at the same time as everyone else. We are more than happy to give up our time slot to anyone who has not been able to book when the Portal opens. If you are unable to book through the Portal Chas is ready to take phone calls and assist booking you in once the Portal opens. So please give us a call if you have missed out. Our aim is to keep our club as fabulous as it has always been with happy and supportive members.

Your Committee.

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