Thursday 21/05/20

I trust everyone enjoyed playing comp. Thank you all for keeping to our allocated time. Can I just remind everyone  you only need to sign your card. The system is set up to only need one signature so you don't have to touch anyones card. Also please remember to put a cross in every box as this helps with the job of one person scanning. It makes it a big job if they have to manually put in or edit the score card. Just by taking 5mins to go over your card really can cut down the work load.


Congratulations Kerrie 36 points Div 1 and Rita Carlsen 36 points Div 2 👏👏👏
15 Balls Awarded

If anyone didn't pick up the flyer in the pro shop here is a copy of it to refer to:

Important Notice to Lady Members

Booking procedure for this Friday the 22nd May: 
At 12:00PM Bookings for Thursday 28th May will be taken, then at 4pm bookings for Thursday 4th June can be made. This will have us 2 weeks in advance. From then on Bookings will be taken online and through the Pro Shop at 4pm Fridays until further notice.

Thank You for your patience and understanding during this time.
Michelle Hughes
Ladies Captain

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