Thursday Comp 21st May

Hi Ladies

Welcome back to our 18 hole comp starting this Thursday. This will be a trial run, if it runs smoothly we are hoping to add a few more time slots so more ladies can play.
A few things you need to be aware of:
It will be run as per the social play conditions - no congregating in the car park, arrive  10 minutes prior to your tee time, temperatures will be taken.
It will be played over two divisions, you will mark  your own card, to be placed in the box in the pro shop at end of play. There will be no NTPs.
To make it fairer to all, it has been decided that bookings for next weeks game will open from 12pm FRIDAY.
If you do miss out getting into the comp you can book a social 9 hole game between 7am - 7.50am and again from 12:30pm - 4pm.
It’s nice that we are inching our way back to some normality.

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