Hope you have enjoyed  playing competition again on Thursdays despite the wet track.  Its good that we have been able to add extra slots to fit in more players.
We still have the waiting list in place.   So if anyone misses out on booking in please contact Chas and hopefully a spot will become available for you.

Its good news that the Club is reopening today so now we will be able to go in to the Club after play with our group or any players up to a maximum of 10.
The Club is open from 11am and the Café from 11.30.   A little bit of normality at last.

Due to Covid 19 we and a lot of other Clubs in the  District have not been in a position to raise funds for Lifeline Direct, the charity we chose for the District in 2020.
We wrote to the District Committee in March & again in May asking them to consider carrying our Charity forward to 2021.   Under the current circumstances Lifeline Direct need our donations more than ever.

The District held their first meeting last week and we are happy to let you know that they have agreed to Lifeline Direct being the charity for the District in 2021.
We will work closely with Magenta who was to choose the charity for 2021 to ensure that we raise as much as possible for this very worthy cause.
Happy golfing and we look forward to seeing you across the fairways.

Your Committee

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