Message From Kooindah

Hi Ladies,
Please could you forward this information to your lady members. 
I hope you have managed to all keep safe and well over the last few months during this crazy time. 
It has been a useful time to take stock and take a forced 'time out' from our busy lives, and appreciate the simple things in life. 
The Kooindah Open Day was scheduled for Fri 27th March and had to be postponed until later this year.
As yet we have not finalised a date, but intend to hold the event in Oct/Nov. 
It is anticipated that the Covid-19 regulations will be more relaxed towards the end of the year and we can include a presentation on the day.
When a date has been set, the clubs and registered participants will be informed. 
Keep washing those hands and social distancing!!

Happy golfing and look forward to catching up with you all soon.
Susan Martin
(Kooindah Waters)

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