
Some issues related to Etiquette on the golf course have come up lately. Although there does not appear to be any mention of this word in the 2019 rules, there are rules which relate to the idea, in particular….

Rule 1.2 Standards of Player Conduct

All players are expected to play in the spirit of the game by…

·        Acting with integrity-for example, by following the Rules, applying all penalties, and being honest in all aspects of play

·        The player and her marker have explicit responsibility for the correctness of the player’s score card. There may be exceptional individual cases where, in order to protect the interests of every other player in the competition, it would be reasonable to expect any competitor in the competition to bring to light a player’s breach of the Rules by notifying the player and/or her marker as soon as possible. We are aware that some ladies can find this a most difficult thing to do but it can be done gently and politely and unfortunately it really needs to be done. After all, it is only fair to ensure that all scores are recorded correctly for the sake of all players in the competition. Also, rather than complain later about something you have seen and not solved on the course, you should inform the committee, preferably prior to the card being handed in. At this point the Committee can then follow up the issue if needs be, with the player and her marker.

·        Taking good care of the course-for example, by replacing divots, smoothing bunkers, repairing ball-marks, and not causing unnecessary damage to the course.

This would appear to be self-explanatory but don’t forget that you should be carrying a sand bucket to be used to fill divots, not just on the fairways but in the rough when you either make or see a divot. You can also repair marks on the greens while you are waiting for your turn to putt. It is particularly important to repair a mark that you have made yourself.

·       Showing consideration to others-for example, by playing at a prompt pace, looking out for the safety of others, and not distracting the play of another player.

This rule suggests that you should always be aware of what is going on around you. If possible, plan your shot and select your club as you walk up to your ball so you can be ready to hit as soon as it is your turn.

Do not walk ahead of other people before they hit and do not talk or move when someone is about to hit.

When putting, do not leave your buggy in front of the green or on the wrong side of the green so you have to walk in front of the green to get to the next tee.

Rule 5 Playing the Round is also very relevant here.

You are expected to:

·        Start each round on time, and 

·        Play continuously and at a prompt pace during each hole until your round is completed.

When it is your turn to play, it is recommended that you make your stroke in no more than 40 seconds, and usually more quickly than that.

It is worth reading this entire rule (Rule 5) in the rule book as you will note that some significant penalties can be imposed on players who breach any part of this rule.


Ladies Committee.

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