Information for Thursday's Foursomes


ELIGIBILITY: Only financial lady members of Breakers Ladies Golf Club are eligible to play.

EVENTS: The championship event is 27 holes. The day events are the morning 18 holes and later 9 holes. Players may elect to play in the 18 hole day event only, in which case they do not have to pay the championship entry fee.

ENTRY:  Entry fee of $4 per person is to be paid at time of entry. 

   Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Match Committee.

   A substitute may be accepted before play commences on the day of play

TIMES:  Play will be in 6s. 

A seeded draw ( 1,2,3 then  4,5,6)  as per half combined handicaps will be prepared. 

Players shall start at times set down by the Match Committee. All competitors are to report to the starter 20 minutes before their appointed time.                          

Penalty refer to Rules 5-3.a (late arrival)  

Should the afternoon’s play be washed out, the event becomes the morning 18 holes.                               Should the day’s play be washed out. This event will not be held in 2020.

ORDER OF PLAY :  Players may choose to change the order of play for the last 9 holes.

RESULTS:  Ties in all events will be decided by a count back. 

TROPHIES:  Championship     Gross 27 holes winners and runners-up

        Nett  27 holes winners and runners-up

         Only one major trophy per pair. 

Championship trophies will be presented at the end of year Presentation function.

      Day Events 18 holes Nett   winners and runners-up 

 9 holes Nett   winners and runners-up

Only one day event trophy per pair.


  1. Play alternately from the teeing ground and alternately during the play of each hole. Example: If player A hits from the first tee, she will play from the 3rd, 5th and so on i.e. all the odd numbered tees. Player B would then hit from 2nd, 4th, and so on, i.e. all the even numbered tees for the first 18 holes. For the third nine holes, they may keep this order or decide to change.

2.Covid Rule: On each hole Player A hits off she uses her own ball. During that   hole Player A is the only player to handle the ball. e.g. they do the preferring for both players, they will drop when necessary and they will remove the ball from the hole. This will happen all odd holes. Player B will then use her ball on the even holes and will be the only one to handle the ball on those holes.

3. During the play of each hole, if any player plays when her partner should have played, that stroke and any following strokes are cancelled. The error must be corrected and a penalty of 2 strokes is added. If the error is not corrected before hitting from the next tee, the pair is disqualified.

4.Penalties. Add these to the score at the completion of each hole. Penalties do not affect the order of play. Example: If player A hits into a penalty area and they choose to drop out  for a penalty, player B hits the next stroke after  the ball is dropped.

5.If player A hits a wrong ball, that stroke and any following strokes are cancelled. Player A must play the correct ball and a penalty of 2 strokes is added. If not corrected before hitting from the next tee, the pair is disqualified.

6.If player A plays a ball from outside the teeing ground, that stroke is cancelled and Player A must play from within the teeing ground, with a penalty of two strokes added.

7. If A and B decide to play a provisional ball after A’s hit, then B hits the provisional ball. If the original ball is found, then B will play the next stroke. If the first ball is not found, then A will play the provisional ball.

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