Information from our AGM 2020
President- Colleen Henry
Vice President- Jeanice Gibson
Secretary- Jill Lavery
Treasurer- Deanne Curby
Captain- Michelle Hughes
Vice Captain- Bronwyn Dwyer
Computer Coordinator- Jenny Chapman
Committee- Vicki Duesbury, Kerrie McInerney,
Nell Spargo, Sue Tierney, Gill Wilson
MOTION to increase our Weekly Competition Fees from $18 to $20 was approved unanimously at our AGM on Thursday 22 October 2020. The new Competition Fee of $20 will commence at the start of 2021. The notes below are what I presented to our Annual General Meeting in support of the motion. I had made an error which has been rectified in the notes below. Deanne, Treasurer
Most of you would not know who gets what from our weekly comp fees. Up until Covid – Breakers Golf Men and Ladies received $8 of our $18 weekly competition fee to fund the running of our comps. $2 was put into a fund to pay for upgrades to our course (funds were used from this to build our 2 new greens 1 & 8) and $8 went to the Club to pay for the running and maintaining of the Golf course. Since 1 July – Breakers Golf Men and Ladies now receive $6 of this fee; Course upgrade levy $2 and running and upkeep of the course $10. This reduction of $2 per player per week is making a huge hole in our finances. At present it is a loss of between $100 to $130 per week. Estimated yearly Loss of $5000.00 In past years we also received $10 per member from our Membership fees to help towards the replacement and repair of our Computers, Printers and other equipment to run our competitions. This did not happen in 2020. For Ladies Golf this means that we are down an additional $1000.00. We have contacted the Men’s Golf and together we will look further into this. Add to this the reduction in income from our usual activities such as raffles; 100 club; tea and coffee; etc. – another $1000 to end of June 2020 and this will be more the longer that we are operating under Covid rules. - Loss of $1000.00
A conservative total of $7000.00
Your Committee has resisted reducing our prize money. This year’s Presentation Lunch will be a very
different occasion but, you can appreciate, that it will not be possible to subsidise this as we have done
in previous years ie $15 in 2018 and $35 in 2019. The closing day gifts cannot happen under Covid rules
and taking into account the loss of income.
Our policy has always been to give back to our members as much as possible while, at the same time,
ensuring that your Golf Club has the necessary reserves to meet needs as they arise i.e. paying for our
share of Micropower; Competition cards; Fixture books; printers, computers, computer programs and
licences, contributing to special projects on our course, donations, setting aside your contributions so
they are used to reward you at the end of each year with continuous competition prizes along with a
myriad of other expenses that are involved in running your club. Hence the necessity to increase our
weekly competition fees.
Regards your Committee.