Hi Ladies,

As many of you know, in recent years we have taken the opportunity on Presentation Day to have a ceremony at the Memorial Stone near the 2nd tee to add any name plaques of recently deceased  Members who had contributed significantly to our club over many years. Since last year's ceremony, one of our Life Members, Paddy Hearn passed away.

Unfortunately, due to Covid rules, it is inappropriate to have a large group of people gather around the stone so it was decided to add Paddy's name recently and arrange  a time for her family to visit to see the plaque on the stone. 

This happened today and it was lovely to have the opportunity to share this time with her family and to recall the many things that Paddy had done during her years on the committee, largely during the 90s. Beside holding the roles of Treasurer and Junior Vice President at times, some of you will remember her running the Summer Comp for many years, with fun events such as 3 clubs and a putter, and Secret Nine. She was also one of the well-remembered ladies who helped check the cards on Saturdays prior to the scanned card system.


Paddy had nine children and several of them took the time to visit the club today. In fact, as you can see in the pictures, there were several generations represented. They were very appreciative of the memorial and it was wonderful to be able to share this time with them.

Jenny and Colleen

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